
 In this time,eveyone wants to be perfect. We make ourself comfortable by wearing good dress good jewllery and good shoe. But with all these things we will also admit that the fragrance is also an important part of our outlook. Fragrance can enhance the beauty and it also impress the person in front of you. Fragrance cannot be see,cannot be touched but it can make a lasting impression on someone.

Here are some fragrances that I have personally used and they are easily affordable.


Its smell so good that it make so good to you for long time. And its price is not so high,thats why I like this fragrance.


This is the perfume with elegant fragrance. I love its bottle shape also.

Yardley London

I recently buy this body spray and I love it so much. It is a bit expensive but its fragrance is melvious. When I read its name a flash back came into my mind that years ago katrina kaif give its commercial. But before buying I just love its packing even I did not notice its name.


Hey..... Look at the heartedly packing of this perfume. Its look so perfect to give a gift to any girl because anyone can consider it a beautiful gift.
I feel so special after using this perfume. Its fragrance will show magical effect on you.

Blue lady

Its perfume and body spray both are so elegant. I use it a long time ago when I was in college but still i cannot forgot its speciality.

I must recomend you to try these perfumes.


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